Thursday, April 03, 2014

"Transfiguration: The Icon as Text and Mission" Orthodox Fellowship of St John the Baptist, January 2014


Friday 24th to Sunday 26th January 2014

Hosted by the Orthodox Community of Saint Anne at Northampton

Topic: "Transfiguration: The Icon as Text and Mission"

Link to photographs.

Saint Anne’s Orthodox Christian Church, 7 Cattle Market Road Northampton, NN1 1HL

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware “The Transfiguration of Christ in the Gospels and the Church's Mission to a Suffering World

Fr Andreas Andreopoulos “The icon as sign, reading the icon of the Transfiguration as a text

Aidan Hart "The Icon as Flower and Fragrance: The Word as Seed"

Sermon by Metropolitan Kallistos on the need to prepare for Great Lent

Fr Timothy Curtis “Mission in Northampton and the Role of the Orthodox Parish in it

Rationale:  The theme of year’s study weekend is prompted by the idea that the icon itself acts as a text. The icon is something that can be read and is also a tool for mission. It would be impossible to study all icons, so the speakers this year have been asked to look at iconography through the text and icons of the Feast of the Transfiguration, exploring what the event means for faith and mission. The speakers have been selected for their experience in mission, theological expression and iconographic art and will apply their own interpretation of the main topic.

Local Organiser: Father Timothy Curtis
Address: Saint Anne’s Orthodox Christian Church, 7 Cattle Market Road, Northampton, NN1 1HL
Phone: 07967 123471
The Speakers Metropolitan Kallistos and Father Andreas Andreopoulos are theologians. Aidan Hart is a professional icon painter and wood carver. Father Timothy Curtis is an expert in community development specialising in the decision-making needed for effective social and environmental change.


Friday 24th January 3.00pm Arrival and registration, Afternoon tea 5.30pm Vespers 6.30pm Introduction and welcome and housekeeping 7:00pm Light supper 7.30pm Session 1: Father Andreas Andreopoulos 

Saturday 25 th January 8.45am Morning prayers and memorial for departed members of the Fellowship and Parish 9.15am Session 2: Metropolitan Kallistos Ware 11.00am Coffee break 11.30am Session 3: Aidan Hart 1.00pm Buffet lunch 2.00pm Trip to All Saint’s Church, Brixworth, Anglo-Saxon, 7th Century Church Vespers and veneration of the relic of Saint Boniface
7:30pm Burns supper (multicultural food, and poetry reading)

Sunday 29th January 9.30am Hours and pre Communion prayers and Kairon (Orthodox clergy in Communion with the Ecumenical Patriarchate may concelebrate but please inform Fr. Timothy well in advance (07967 123471 or 10.00am Divine Liturgy 12.00 noon Brunch 1.00pm Session 4: Father Timothy Curtis

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